I grew up well before cable TV ,cell phones and cyber connections. I wonder at our new world of instant communications.
My children gave me my first internet lessons. As computers became more and more a part of my every day life, I wondered if in the future face to face meetings might become rarer and rarer. At some point would people just sit in front of a screen with very little real human contact ?
Technically that may be happening . I no longer drag my art to craft shows ,I sell on ETSY instead. I did not even venture into a mall during the holidays. I did all my shopping on line . I think I found better gifts ,better prices and no mall madness.
Since my oldest daughter and I have busy lives and far different schedules , we e-mail much more frequently than we are able to meet . I am only able to see my grandchildren several times yearly.However,I get frequent updates, complete with almost instant photos of every thing going on in their lives.
I can do research and learn about anything I please, right in my own living room !
I have discussions with people all over the world! I can share my interests with friends I will never actually meet in person . I often share the in and outs of daily life with these cyber friends .
Events from weather to war are all happening where I have a cyber friend or acquaintance.
I can relate World news to an artist ,beader or jewelry maker I "know".
Instead of the world becoming more impersonal ,it seems far smaller and well known to me .
Computer technology does cause me to spend time alone at the key board.
But, it somehow makes me feel more linked to humanity than ever before !
This holiday season ,I am grateful for all the wonderful people on the other side of my monitor.
Grateful for all the human links that bring so much to my life each day .
"God bless us, every one!"
Bead Happy ,
m.e. :)