I'm leaving for the Florida Keys tomorrow !
My vacation time is almost here ! !!
However, there is a stress factor involved .I have to get everything ready !I have to PACK !!!!
I'll admit, I find myself obsessing over what to take .
I have to be sure we have all our scuba gear , clean clothes,
camera ,suntan lotion,toothpaste ,deodorant, ...............
the list goes on and on .....
what if my glasses break ..better take spare pair !
what if I get a blister...throw in a few bandages !
we might get sunburned...pack the aloe gel !
what if I forget something I need!!!!!!!
what if I do ? ??
Dive shops rent gear
They DO have stores in the Keys !
and changes of clothes....
" no shoes , no shirt , no problem!"
I REALLY need a vacation..
I think I'll revise my list
Things to Bring on Vacation:
sense of humor
flexible schedule
ability to compromise
relaxed attitude
open mind
I think that's better ...
did I forget any thing ???
:) m.e.
I love your revised packing list! I stress out whenever I'm getting ready to go somewhere to -- make lists for weeks before and generally drive myself nuts! AND I always forget something (big grin)! Have a great time and get inspired!