Sunday, August 25, 2013


 Morning Moon

In our area school starts tomorrow!!!  Where did Summer go ???
Time for fine and fancy Fall Creations!Fortunately I love the rich colors of Autumn so I've haven't been a loss for ideas. I have boxes of red,orange and golden blends ready to turn into beads .
But ,I have been  feeling VERY busy ,busy ,busy....
A beautiful morning moon  inspired  this week's clay time with a more restful palette. It was a needed chance to catch my breath. I stole some precious time to make a few earring too.
I have never  tried a Wordless Wednesday blog
But, this week due to lack of time
I am calling this entry my Haiku Hiatus

Intense ripe autumn
Rest restore refresh prepare
Serene light of moon 

if you are an English teacher please do  not grade my poetry !
If you are working with Beads
I hope your back to school creations are all A+ work
and may you
Bead Happy !

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Rough Week

I couldn't resist snapping a quick photo of my cat Pollymewer aka Polly. She was just hanging over my desk chair ,clearly exhausted.
My feelings exactly ! What a longgggggggggg week I've had !
I put in  many extra hours at work . I took on a new work project to organize at home .I said a few emotional goodbyes to long time patients. We know our fur friends won't be with us forever. But, it always hurts to let them go .

Not much  time or energy for bead projects this week .
But, I did manage to make a few new things .
I liked the toggle I made for  my ABS entry so much ,I decided to play with the idea.
I created a set with the leftover red to purple blend,
Then I decided to try a set in black  and silver. 
I love how it turned out . Not really rustic ,not really steam punk ,not really Halloween...
But, I think it's perfect for any of those themes .
Creating a random rough texture suited my mood .
It seemed to symbolize a heart full of love ... surviving life's rough spots
Life is rarely smooth and shiny. Instead it is full of bumps and gouges.That's what gives life texture and meaning .
I must use the rest of this day to make beads and earrings
Fortunately I do find that restful and restorative
When you have a rough week,
just think of it as adding some texture  to your life
 Bead Happy,

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Birthday Girl

This week I turned 68 ! I celebrated with a BIG chocolate fudge cake and these beautiful Roses.
I especially love the vase. My cats can't figure out how tip it over .....yet. Some people reflect  on their hopes ,dreams and goals  at the end of the calendar year.
On my birthday I always spent time contemplating where I've been and where I hope to go .
This year I'm still busy with my polymer clay .
I'm still happy making my flowers.But ,I have added many more toggles to my shop.
I started my Pairs for Paws project at the Veterinary Hospital where I work
I've lost count of the  number of  earrings I've made.
All the profits from the sales,go to our local animal rescue
For years I have only sold beads on ETSY.
All of my ABS creations I keep for myself . My other jewelry desings are made as gifts or for private sales. However,I found I really enjoyed making simple earrings .
I decided to open a shop just for earrings and use the profits to purchase supplies for Pairs for Paws
I am having fun with my second shop and have made a few sales !
Full time job ,two ETSY shops and my rescue project keep me VERY busy
But, I would rather be busy than bored !
I don't foresee any more major craft/art projects in the coming year
But ,you never know many beads little time
I would like to try working with metal . I love the look of etched pieces.
I could probably give up housework all together and gain some extra  time .
Happy Birthday to me .
Happy Birthday  to all my fellow Leos
even if it's not your birthday month
have a  great August
and Bead Happy

Sunday, August 4, 2013

August ABS

Love Endures

Time for the August ABS challenge
All can say is COLOR !!!  I Love the strong deep colors in this painting.
I love how the hues bleed and blend into each other.
It always delights me to note how one dimensional swaths of paint can create the illusion of  texture.
My inspiration  this month  reached out and grabbed me !
My design was going to be all about the colors and perceived textures.
I  decide to concentrate on the beautiful red and purples. I used a blend to create a few beads and a heart toggle. Why a heart ? Because I was wondering about the three people in the painting.
What could be their story ?
Perhaps a  tale of love ? Love with all its ups and downs ,joys and sorrows .
Normally I have all of my components picked before I start .
But, this month I was over eager to play with my clay.
So I had a beginning .But, I had no end plan .
I had no "go with beads"picked out
Off to my  bead stash boxes ,to search for something with rugged texture to complement my red and purple beads.
Ah ha ! The perfect  thing ....rough cut pyrite cubes. They seem to reflect both the gold and the black in the painting!
How do they do that ?
I had just enough to make a bracelet . Not a design about innocent romantic love.
Instead this piece is about all the nicks and knocks love may bring us .
Maybe a more realistic outlook than pretty pastel hearts and flowers.
Either way
this week celebrate Love 
and Bead Happy ,