Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Birds and the Beads

Sunshine and Shadow

I feel like I should whisper....shhh
here in Maryland we really haven't had winter
We still could .We have had snow in March before.
But, so far the weather has been mild with very little measurable snow fall. Spring should be here soon.
This week I've had birds on the brain .
I'm really looking forward  the return of our spring/summer residents
Last year we had a Blue Bird family in our bird house and a family of Carolina Wrens nesting in a flower pot on the porch  !
This year ,while on vacation ,we are going  to make time to visit the Audubon House and Tropical Gardens .
We've been trying to get there for 10 years !
 Soooo much to see in the Keys  and never enough time!

Spring birds and Tropical birds are flying about my daydreams.
Flocks of Canada Geese call over head, as they slowly start to head north .
My muse seems to have mixed all these species into one !
All week  I worked on  new fantasy bird  beads.
I like these beadie birds for  necklaces with asymmetrical and  eclectic designs. They make cute earrings too!
They have long necks ,short bills and plump little bodies.
 Each bird has a wash of metallic antiquing .
I  am at a loss as to what to name them .I know Google SEO savvy denies a "cute name " is useful. But ,I still like to name my stuff !!!
Maybe this comes from  working the veterinary field .Everyday we see a host of  ''designer dogs"...something -poos and something -oodles!
Do  I long to name my mixed breed birds  robin-eese or  wren-ucks?
Maybe you have an idea  for me? (please be kind )
Do you still pick names for your designs?
Named or nameless
This week create for Spring
Bead Happy ,

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